
SEA TALES aims to support teachers of primary and secondary education to develop competences and knowledge so as to integrate Ocean Literacy education through role-playing activities in their classrooms and introduce students to its concept and principles for building a generation of ocean literate, active and responsible citizens.


1) Equips primary and secondary school teachers with knowledge and skills on ocean literacy through the SEA TALES Teacher Training Club (WP3) and enhance their professional development by training them on how to incorporate ocean related notions and relevant activities into different school subjects such as physics, geography, arts, language etc.
2) Designs a curriculum (WP2) with easy-to-follow lesson plans complemented by a set of role-playing activities, inspired by the OL Framework of the UN that will be translated in different country languages and be flexible enough to be either integrated in different parts of the national curricula or be included within extra- curricular activities.
3) Encourages students to become agents of change by advocating for more sustainable futures through their involvement in different interactive, digital and participatory educational activities, like field visits, ocean book clubs, ocean art, and podcasts.
4) Encourages the collaboration and networking among schools and external stakeholders by creating the SEA TALES Ambassadors Community including among others, ocean experts and scientists, environmental organisations, marine science facilities, local aquariums, art galleries, and museums but also pedagogical experts and relevant to the field policy makers across the EU, endeavoring to learn about ocean and its potential from a variety of perspectives.
5) Supports the exchange of good practices and mutual learning among different educational institutions and contexts providing thus high quality and inclusive education for all.
6) Demonstrates the educational potential of incorporating role-playing activities for educating primary and secondary school teachers and students on OL.


Háskóli Íslands (ICLD)
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 1 Eforie Nord (RO)
Zero – Associacao Sistema Terrestre Sustentável (PORT)
Asociatia All Grow (RO)
Stimmuli for Social Change (GR)