NEMESIS participation in the Scenario Workshop on the Future of Social Innovation in Education


On 10th July 2019, a future policy scenario workshop was organized in the premises of the European Commission, DG for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC). The aim of this workshop was to stimulate a debate in order to generate new, forward-looking policy ideas in the field of Social Innovation and Education. The workshop was implemented within the framework of a specific study conducted by the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) in collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna (IHS) investigating the trends and drivers for future visions on policymaking for education with regard to social innovation. Participants were policymakers, education and social innovation researchers and experts as well as representatives of European associations in the field of education.

STIMMULI, one of the NEMESIS partners, participated in the workshop in order to present and disseminate the project’s results and discuss how the project can contribute to the future of education. NEMESIS presents the only consolidated attempt of explicitly embedding Social Innovation in primary and secondary education and therefore the evidence that is gathered can contribute significantly to the future developments of Social Innovation Education.

Our partner explained to the workshop participants how NEMESIS has managed to implement Social Innovation Education in different schools around Europe while also shared some first evaluation findings of the NEMESIS impact on student’s learning and behaviours. These evidence-based insights fed well into the discussions held during the workshop and hopefully, they will contribute to the design of future policies in the field of Social Innovation Education.

Are you a school member and do you want to implement Social Innovation Education in your school? Feel free to surf the web and drop us a line ( or fill our contact form.

Are you a social innovator who – as those mentioned here- would like to collaborate with a school? Click here for more info on how to become a mentor.