
NEMESIS is a project that aims to create and test an educational model to bring social innovation philosophy to primary and secondary students. For three years, thirteen members from seven EU countries will work together to develop a model that embeds the competences and philosophy of social innovation into schools.


Objectives of the project are

  1. To develop a framework for teaching social innovation skills by combining innovative pedagogies and learning models, the philosophy of open technology, and participatory relations and processes.
  2. To design a methodology that brings together students, teachers, parents and education experts with social innovators to collaboratively design educational projects and collaborate to solve real community and sustainability challenges.
  3. To create an European community of social innovators willing to engage with the students, building bridges between education and innovation communities.
  4. To develop an open learning platform with useful resources to educators interested in testing/adopting the model.

5. To give useful resources and tips to break down organizational barriers and facilitate the adoption of the model.


LP: Innovation in Learning Institute. Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen Nürnberg (FAU) – Germany

STIMMULI for Social Change – Greece

VALNALÓN: Ciudad Industrial del Valle del Nalón – Spain

Social Enterprise International – U.K


European School Heads Association – Netherlands

Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia (KMAKEDPDE) – Greece

CEIP Los Albares – Spain

Agrupamento de Escolas da Maia (AEMaia) – Portugal

Herringthorpe Junior School – UK

Les Têtes de l’Art – France

Healthapp – Spain

Generation Generous – UK

Boroume – Greece